不需要全身麻醉的整容手术| DPS-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网



保持清醒 & 看起来很好



When thinking about plastic surgery, some patients become anxious about general anesthesia. 没关系! 有很多手术选择只使用 当地的 anesthesia, which can help you reach your goals without going under completely. We even offer a number of non-surgical solutions that skip the sedation conversation altogether!

今天, we’re looking at five surprising cosmetic surgery procedures we perform that do not involve going under general anesthesia.

给读者的提示:局部麻醉vs. 全身麻醉

Local anesthesia involves numbing a specific area of the body to be operated on. It is an effective countermeasure for any pain or discomfort, is usually performed by injection. The use of a 当地的 anesthetic means you will be completely awake 和 comfortable during your procedure.

General anesthesia is the use of medication that puts the patient in a temporarily unconscious state — or, “going under”——在他们行动之前. 它通常在手术室静脉注射, 这意味着你在手术过程中不会感到任何疼痛. Using a general anesthetic means you will be comfortably asleep during your procedure.

两种麻醉都有好处, but it’s best left up to your surgeon to decide which one is right for your procedure — your surgical team will discuss the options with you to help you figure out your best path forward.


由男性乳房中多余的腺组织定义, gynecomastia can be quite uncomfortable for the men who suffer from it. Puffy nipples can hide all the hard work a person has put in the gym, 甚至不让他在海滩上脱衣服. 男子女性型乳房手术 is a straightforward procedure that removes this extra tissue 和 leaves you with a flat chest. The downtime for gynecomastia surgery is short 和 it often only requires 局部麻醉 to achieve great results.

阴唇整形:改善外观 & 性经验  

Sexual rejuvenation has become increasingly popular in recent years — 和 for good reason! The technology 和 techniques behind these procedures have drastically improved, 给我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台带来令人难以置信的效果和轻松愉快的体验. 阴唇成形术就是这样一种微创手术 that can improve the function 和 appearance of the female genitals without the need to go under. 

事实上, labiaplasty is only one in the collection of sexual wellness procedures we perform that don’t require going under! 用O-Shot和diVa激光的联合力量, your most intimate areas can feel completely restored in one quick trip.

Dr. 西弗特在办公室陪澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台散步


Now, we want to preface this one by saying that receiving liposuction awake 不是 每个人的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 然而, 如果候选人有一小块肥肉,他们想要解决, some liposuction procedures can be performed under 局部麻醉. This also means they could forgo the fasting period required for general anesthesia 和 have their procedure with only the necessary numbing.


If a patient has a smaller amount of fat they’re looking to remove 和 are anxious about anesthesia, 我们通常会让他们选择非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 所谓诊所澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网! 第一个是Kybella, 一种脂肪溶解剂 这有助于现场澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 & 减少下巴和腋下的脂肪. 另一个不可思议的选择是CoolSculpting — a revolutionary “fat freezing” technique that can target the abdomen, 侧翼, 大腿, 上臂, 回来, “胸罩凸起”的地方, 臀部下面, 甚至在下巴下面. 

乳头减少 & 乳头内翻修补术 

当涉及到乳头手术时,不仅仅是外观问题. 虽然有些澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台可能会对它的大小感到尴尬, 乳头的形状或位置, these anomalies can also cause chronic chafing 和 other forms of unnecessary pain. 我们提供两种不同的,不需要全身麻醉的选择 乳头内翻手术乳头减少 — to help patients get the look they’ve always wanted 和 minimize daily discomfort. 


随着年龄的增长,眼睛周围的皮肤也会跟着衰老. But as we at Donaldson整形外科 like to say: getting older is a good thing! 我们想帮助我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台这样看. Our surgical experts offer an upper eyelid lift designed to remove the excess skin that causes that “tired” look, 从而使你的外表更加清爽和年轻. 在某些情况下, 眼睑整容术 也能改善视力吗.

We Want You To Feel Confident 之前 Making Your Surgical Decision 

你的舒适对我们队来说是最重要的. 如果你对前进的道路没有100%的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 我们不能指望你对你的结果有100%的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网!

Remember: it’s perfectly OK to be nervous about a surgical procedure. We can walk you through each step of the process to help bolster your underst和ing of any option you’re considering. 如果破产的想法仍然让人望而生畏, we will work with you directly to create a non-surgical path forward that can help you reach your confidence goals. 

We invite you to get in touch with one of our experts if you have any questions about any of the procedures listed here, 我们的安全麻醉实践, 或者我们其他的化妆品.



他有20多年的工作经验, 杰弗里·唐纳森,医学博士 is a leading expert when it comes to surgical procedures that do not require general anesthesia. He is constantly on the lookout for new 和 innovative techniques that best help patients feel comfortable about their procedures 和 their long-term results.

